Well.... I was all prepared to post about the many adventures of our silly side-by-side refridgerator. It has been acting up lately but we've kept it working despite it's complaints. Life has decided to take a different turn that we were all unprepared for.
My dad has been basically well his entire life. Hardly ever getting sick. About 8 - 9 years ago I started noticing his memory not being quite as good as I know it had been. A few years back he finally was diagnosed with dimentia. Several of his siblings have been diagnosed with either dimentia or alzheimers.
It is easy for me to see changes in my dad since I don't see him all that often. We live about 600 miles away from my parents.
My dad was just up here for one of his brother's funeral. When I greeted him upon his arrival I noticed that he looked like walking death. It is normal to be quite tired after such a long drive but he was more drained than normal. His skin looked grey - he had an "old person" smell to him - his memory was even more out of whack than when I had last seen him (7 months ago). His appetite use to rival my brother's (who drove the whole way for this trip). Now, my dad eats less than my 2 year old daughter.
I cried myself to sleep thinking that he wouldn't wake up in the morning. Thankfully he did. Many prayers have been said for him since I first saw him.
Well... The day before he came up here he had had a CAT scan of his abdomen. A Urologist had ordered the scan to find out why certain things were showing up on lab tests. Turns out that everything this doctor was looking for were just fine. BUT... (Monday) He was quickly referred to an Oncologist (cancer doctor). Turns out that something showed up on the CAT scan that wasn't good. Today (Tuesday) he had his appointment. They have to do a biopsy to find out just what they're dealing with but so far we know that my dad has a mass on his pancreas as well as 2-4 "spots" in his liver.
We're in limbo until he can get the biopsy done and get the results back. Thankfully everyone is working in super fast forward mode. If he hadn't been here for the funeral things would have been happening last week.
Saturday (the day my dad and brother went back home) was my dad's 77th birthday. It has been hard to watch this strong, loud, "John Wayne" type of man change to this "child" (with still a bit of fiestyness) over the recent years.
He's had MANY jobs over the years. He grew up on a farm raising cattle for milk and meat. They also grew their own feed for the herd. He's been in the army twice and the air force once... He was a bull rider, truck driver, teacher, mechanic, a/c repair, exterminator to name a few. When he was a kid he was hit by a car (model A Ford) while learning to ride a bike. He was thrown about 120 feet and took over a year to recover. A farmer who was out in his fully grown corn field saw what he thought was a "child's rag doll" being thrown through the air. It wasn't until later that he realized that it was a kid (about 11 or 12 years old).
They haven't said "cancer" yet but I don't know what else they could possibly label the "mass" in his pancreas. All my research about pancreatic cancer shows a pretty grim outcome. Nevertheless.... prayers have and will be said over my parents as well as the doctors who have his life in their hands.
I'll post more updates as I learn more about what's going on.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
My online t-shirt store!!!!
Ok... I have a bunch of ideas floating in my head for t-shirts. Some serious, some silly, some just pretty. I'm testing out the market to see if it is worth it to purchase a storefront at CafePress. Right now I'm using their free store which has a LOT of limitations. One of the BIGGEST limitations is the fact that I can only put 1 design on 1 type of shirt. In other words... I couldn't pick the cheap value shirt for all my white t-shirt choices. I could only offer 1 design on the cheap shirt and had to pick more expensive shirts for each of my other designs. VERY frustrating.
I put a link to my store in the left column. I'll put it here too:
One of my other online names is "Myth" in case you were wondering why I am using that as a part of my store name.
Right now I only have 2 designs available in a white shirt and a dark/black shirt. I have several ideas just bursting to get out but I think I'll have to purchase a storefront first. I don't like having expensive t-shirts as my only option (with the free account limitations).
I'm not begging anyone to buy anything... I'm just "putting the info out there in the universe and seeing what happens". If you have any comments, suggestions or any shirt ideas that you are willing to give me for future shirts I'm eager to hear from you.
The idea for making t-shirt designs stemmed from my sweet hubby not being able to find paid work recently. I needed to find something that I can do from home while taking care of the kids (and growing larger by the day). The base price for the shirts is quite high so my profit from each is not much. I'm not assuming that this will make much if any income.... I'm HOPING this can help (in the long run) when times get tough and work is slow.
For what it's worth.... there it is.
I put a link to my store in the left column. I'll put it here too:
One of my other online names is "Myth" in case you were wondering why I am using that as a part of my store name.
Right now I only have 2 designs available in a white shirt and a dark/black shirt. I have several ideas just bursting to get out but I think I'll have to purchase a storefront first. I don't like having expensive t-shirts as my only option (with the free account limitations).
I'm not begging anyone to buy anything... I'm just "putting the info out there in the universe and seeing what happens". If you have any comments, suggestions or any shirt ideas that you are willing to give me for future shirts I'm eager to hear from you.
The idea for making t-shirt designs stemmed from my sweet hubby not being able to find paid work recently. I needed to find something that I can do from home while taking care of the kids (and growing larger by the day). The base price for the shirts is quite high so my profit from each is not much. I'm not assuming that this will make much if any income.... I'm HOPING this can help (in the long run) when times get tough and work is slow.
For what it's worth.... there it is.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Uncle Ariel's Funeral
My dad and brother came up from Arizona for my dad's brother Ariel's funeral. Tinkerbell and I went with them. I'm glad I did for many reasons. They would have not made it to the graveside service if I hadn't taken over driving and figured out the map given to everyone.... My dad has demensia and needs to be led in what was expected at times.... I was the only one to interpret for my deaf brother so he wasn't so bored. My dad's memory is sooo out of whack these days. He told me stoies that mixed places and events from 4 different states and several time periods. I have quickly realized that it is not worth the argument to correct him and just let him remember things as his mind wants to remember them. About 1/2 of the siblings have been diagnosed with either dimentia or Alzheimer's disease while the other 1/2 seem to be "aging gracefully".
I really liked Uncle Ariel. He was in the army for 3 years building bridges. He served during the Battle of the Bulge. For info on this battle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Bulge He was in charge of the first bridge to cross the Rhine river. He couldn't believe how the military is operated today. Men and women get sent out for 6 months to a year then get to go home. He said that back then you were sent out and were expected to stay there until either you died or the battle was over. No one knew how long the "journey" would last.
After he returned from the war he took up a job at a sign company. He made a large majority of the old Las Vegas flashy signs (Aladdin, Sahara etc...). He also made the first Micky Mouse at Disneyworld that stands on top of some building (I forgot which one). He also made signs for local movie theatres and restaurants. He LOVED his job. Other people paid for the materials and he got to create these amazing and beautiful things. He couldn't believe he got paid to do his job - he loved it that much.
He could build, tweak, or make just about anything that he or his family needed. I have fond memories of this tall man with a perma-grin on and a twinkle in his eye. Often times his family talked about his "hidden stash". Apparently he had a secret stash of goodies in the cellar that he thought no one knew about. It sounds like everyone knew about this stash but never told him they knew. LOL
He was 85 years old. They have 2 children and 2 great grandchildren. Their family never had much as far as "bling" but they sure have a TON of love and happy memories from over the years.
One of the funny comments made at the service was that Uncle Ariel will probably be most bummed by not being able to build anything in Heaven because probably everything that needs to be built has already been built.
I really liked Uncle Ariel. He was in the army for 3 years building bridges. He served during the Battle of the Bulge. For info on this battle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Bulge He was in charge of the first bridge to cross the Rhine river. He couldn't believe how the military is operated today. Men and women get sent out for 6 months to a year then get to go home. He said that back then you were sent out and were expected to stay there until either you died or the battle was over. No one knew how long the "journey" would last.
After he returned from the war he took up a job at a sign company. He made a large majority of the old Las Vegas flashy signs (Aladdin, Sahara etc...). He also made the first Micky Mouse at Disneyworld that stands on top of some building (I forgot which one). He also made signs for local movie theatres and restaurants. He LOVED his job. Other people paid for the materials and he got to create these amazing and beautiful things. He couldn't believe he got paid to do his job - he loved it that much.
He could build, tweak, or make just about anything that he or his family needed. I have fond memories of this tall man with a perma-grin on and a twinkle in his eye. Often times his family talked about his "hidden stash". Apparently he had a secret stash of goodies in the cellar that he thought no one knew about. It sounds like everyone knew about this stash but never told him they knew. LOL
He was 85 years old. They have 2 children and 2 great grandchildren. Their family never had much as far as "bling" but they sure have a TON of love and happy memories from over the years.
One of the funny comments made at the service was that Uncle Ariel will probably be most bummed by not being able to build anything in Heaven because probably everything that needs to be built has already been built.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
I want to wish everyone a happy valentine's day.

15 years ago today my hubby and I got engaged. He took me out to the end of the dock at a local lake.... it was FULL of small ice burgs creaking and groaning as they rubbed into each other with each small roll of the water. It was amazing and erie at the same time. We were all alone in his Stingray. Only a single lamp post was there to spy on this nervous young man and a bewildered and frozen girl.
The rest of the story will remain in our memories.
15 years ago today my hubby and I got engaged. He took me out to the end of the dock at a local lake.... it was FULL of small ice burgs creaking and groaning as they rubbed into each other with each small roll of the water. It was amazing and erie at the same time. We were all alone in his Stingray. Only a single lamp post was there to spy on this nervous young man and a bewildered and frozen girl.
The rest of the story will remain in our memories.
Monday, February 9, 2009
still here . . . nothing new
Hey all - I just wanted you all to know that I'm still around. I just have nothing really interesting to update. Our biggest client (and typically our only client) has told us that payment of invoices have been delayed until further notice. My mind has been very busy trying to scrounge for food and necessary items when no $ is readily available. It is soooooo frustrating when my sweet husband has already put in the long hours to earn the $ we're waiting for. Also, the man he works for is a very dramatic sort which makes working for this man less than desireable on many occasions.
Thankfully, we have some family that have been blessed with $ we could borrow. It's not enough to live on for 2 months but it will have to do since we don't have any other choices before us. I HATE being a liability in the world.
Van update - it's still dead. Hard to get something fixed when we don't have the $ to buy the parts.
Job update - hubby is going to visit some places today and see what he can stir up. I think he's going to talk with some past clients first then hit the pavement on search for a new possibility. My heart aches for him. If it wasn't for his long term health issues he could have and would have taken up a "real job" somewhere a long time ago. He is kinda forced to be self employed because he never knows when he's going to have a "bad day" and need to not work that day. Bad days usually come in clusters knocking him out for several days. He is just so dang talented and well rounded in his field that he is a huge asset when he can find work and when he has good health.
Baby update - The little one is moving and squirming like normal. Sometimes keeping me awake when things get too strong and intense. We did have the "big ultrasound" a couple of weeks ago. Everything looked normal - we looked for the issues we have with Power Ranger and did not seem to have any of those problems. As far as the tech could tell (we both agree from what we could see) we're having a little girl. So.. now the search is on for a name for this little one. I've started a list but nothing has really jumped out at me yet. Hubby is working so hard on getting $ and work that coming up with names are not a high priority right now. I've had to be on self imposed bedrest lately. I've always had issues with preterm labor and this weekend I had some pains in areas that made both hubby and I nervous. I am less than a week away from the magic line drawn between miscarriage and preterm labor (if this little peanut decides to emerge early). I'm hoping to go at least as long as Power Ranger (35 weeks) but more hopeful for when I had Tinker Bell (37 weeks). The twins (Dragon Girl and Jabber Box) were born at 29 weeks. The day after their b-day I'll be that far along with this peanut. So, if some of you don't see me for quite some time just know that I'm laying low trying to keep this one baking as long as possible.
My nephew that is only a year and a few months younger than myself recently had surgery to remove a brain tumor. I've been greatly wrapped up with what's going on with him. I need to go get an update on how he's doing. I have some really fond memories of growing up with this nephew. He's 1/2 Samoan but looks 100% Samoan. For 1 year we went to the same high school. We even had the same math teacher - different class times though. We shocked a LOT of people. Most thought we were BF/GF since we were so at ease with each other and teased each other so much. You should have seen their eyes pop out of their heads when he would proudly announce that I was his aunt. I'm grinning right now just thinking about some of those moments. Now he's married and has 2 beautiful little boys. My heart aches for what he, his wife and kids as well as my sis and all the rest of the family are going though. So far he has bounced back rather quickly. Last I heard he's still sleeping a LOT. They were supposed to find out the pathology results this past week. I hope that no news it good news.
So, there you have it. I hate wondering what's up with someone and not finding updates so that's why I wrote this. Just in case anyone actually is interested and stops by I wanted to have some news here waiting for you. I know this message has ended up MUCH longer than I originally intended and I'm sorry for the long windedness of it all. Hope your day / evening goes well . . . Later.
Thankfully, we have some family that have been blessed with $ we could borrow. It's not enough to live on for 2 months but it will have to do since we don't have any other choices before us. I HATE being a liability in the world.
Van update - it's still dead. Hard to get something fixed when we don't have the $ to buy the parts.
Job update - hubby is going to visit some places today and see what he can stir up. I think he's going to talk with some past clients first then hit the pavement on search for a new possibility. My heart aches for him. If it wasn't for his long term health issues he could have and would have taken up a "real job" somewhere a long time ago. He is kinda forced to be self employed because he never knows when he's going to have a "bad day" and need to not work that day. Bad days usually come in clusters knocking him out for several days. He is just so dang talented and well rounded in his field that he is a huge asset when he can find work and when he has good health.
Baby update - The little one is moving and squirming like normal. Sometimes keeping me awake when things get too strong and intense. We did have the "big ultrasound" a couple of weeks ago. Everything looked normal - we looked for the issues we have with Power Ranger and did not seem to have any of those problems. As far as the tech could tell (we both agree from what we could see) we're having a little girl. So.. now the search is on for a name for this little one. I've started a list but nothing has really jumped out at me yet. Hubby is working so hard on getting $ and work that coming up with names are not a high priority right now. I've had to be on self imposed bedrest lately. I've always had issues with preterm labor and this weekend I had some pains in areas that made both hubby and I nervous. I am less than a week away from the magic line drawn between miscarriage and preterm labor (if this little peanut decides to emerge early). I'm hoping to go at least as long as Power Ranger (35 weeks) but more hopeful for when I had Tinker Bell (37 weeks). The twins (Dragon Girl and Jabber Box) were born at 29 weeks. The day after their b-day I'll be that far along with this peanut. So, if some of you don't see me for quite some time just know that I'm laying low trying to keep this one baking as long as possible.
My nephew that is only a year and a few months younger than myself recently had surgery to remove a brain tumor. I've been greatly wrapped up with what's going on with him. I need to go get an update on how he's doing. I have some really fond memories of growing up with this nephew. He's 1/2 Samoan but looks 100% Samoan. For 1 year we went to the same high school. We even had the same math teacher - different class times though. We shocked a LOT of people. Most thought we were BF/GF since we were so at ease with each other and teased each other so much. You should have seen their eyes pop out of their heads when he would proudly announce that I was his aunt. I'm grinning right now just thinking about some of those moments. Now he's married and has 2 beautiful little boys. My heart aches for what he, his wife and kids as well as my sis and all the rest of the family are going though. So far he has bounced back rather quickly. Last I heard he's still sleeping a LOT. They were supposed to find out the pathology results this past week. I hope that no news it good news.
So, there you have it. I hate wondering what's up with someone and not finding updates so that's why I wrote this. Just in case anyone actually is interested and stops by I wanted to have some news here waiting for you. I know this message has ended up MUCH longer than I originally intended and I'm sorry for the long windedness of it all. Hope your day / evening goes well . . . Later.
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