I am soo behind on watching movies. We go in binges renting a bunch for a while then we go without for a long time. We have a steady "payment plan" with a local video rental place. Rent 3 movies in a month and we've broke even. If we rent any more than that (and don't have late fees) then we're saving some $$. I have a new favorite that I need to add to my list. It's Jumper with Hayden Christensen and Samuel Jackson (that man gets around!).
I like the flick because it TOTALLY matches a dream I've had for many years. The ability to see a place or think of a place and just *poof* you're there. Every time I find myself driving a long way (like to visit my parents in Arizona) I will see an open spot in traffic WAAAYY ahead. I think "Man! I wish I could just pop myself up in that spot and shave off a few minutes". I would then watch the clock and see just how long it took me to drive that distance. 2 min. 5 min. 7 min. Whatever.. I always wished I could just poof my way ahead through the boring parts so I could spend more time at my final destination. Of course the movie is made by Hollywood and has a "standard" to maintain. It is PG-13 for a reason.
I just LOVE the idea of thinking of a place and being there. Poof, I'm at the grocery store (which I hate)... Poof, I'm home with the load of groceries. I didn't have to almost get hit by the young college student in a hurry to show off for his friends.. I didn't have to sit behind the car with a couple who really should either get married or get a room. I wouldn't have to worry if the van will start this time or not.
Funny. I wanted a machine which would switch you and another person places. Such as, you live in Rock Springs, Nevada and somebody else wants to get there and you just happen to want to get to New York, both of you step on the pads, and zamo! Both are switched from destination.
Yeah, dream on, Teachinfourth...and maybe I'll win the lottery without playing too.
It would sure come in handy for my weekly commute between Utah and Georgia. But no one else can have it or I'd be out of a job!
I don't know if you've ever heard of the "Book of Virtues" cartoon series. This reminds me of the episode where the boy has a magic string and each time he pulls it, he gets to skip ahead in time over the rough parts. Eventually he skips through his whole life, experiencing only the good times, and wonders why he feels so empty. He learns that it's those hard times, and boring times, that make the good times so much better. Although I agree it would be nice to have MORE time for the good things!
BTW, sorry about the car incident. Next time dh and I will just wait til we get all the way home! ;)
Teach ~
What if you live in podunkville and nobody wants to visit there but you're dying to get out?
PJ ~
I thought about you while watching this film. In one scene Hayden and his main sqeeze arrive in Rome and the girl says "Can you believe that just 10 short hours ago we were in (?where ever USA)". The giggle comes from the fact that he can be there in an instant. While watching this scene I thought, "It's a good thing people can't poof or PJ would be out of a job".
Annette ~
That cartoon was made into a movie with Adam Sandler called "Click". He uses a remote control to FF, Pause, etc.. over whatever. The remote memorizes his "preferences" and starts working automatically. Before you know it, his family is grown, messed up and he's dying in the hospital. He missed out on everything.
"Car incident".... [smack] light smack on the shoulder for being cheeky.
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