I took a bunch of pictures as she went along. It has been about 1 1/2 weeks (poss 2 weeks) since she started. That "thing" called school seems to get in the way. LOL
The Head - Front View (it's not finished - this was at the end of day 1)

The Head - Side View.

Finished the head and started in on the neck.

Front claws done and some of the belly.

More of the body has been finished. You can see Tinker Bell wanted to be in the pict. She loves her big sister!

Back legs and claws are now done.

DONE!!!! Isn't that just awesome!

Top View -

3/4 View -

This is not her first project. Her first one was a tiny Iguana. She never finished it's tail or the platform. She likes to play with her creations when they're mostly done and has a hard time finishing. The Iguana ended up being squished a bit and we never got decent picts of it.
My husband just handed her the first project to keep her busy (she was bored). We never thought it would actually turn out right. We've had to pick up our jaws many times with this little girl. She received NO help from anyone. Not even help reading and figuring out the directions.
Wow! That is incredible! Way to go Dragon Girl!
Very impressive. Time to get her lego sets and see what she can do!
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