Yes, we are adding to our family one last time. I've mainly been down and out due to my wonderful connection to what I have lovenly named my "barf bowl". At 8 weeks into this one the "party" began and continues to this day. I have moments of feeling better-ish that allow me to pretend to be "normal"
I was waiting to tell anyone until we told our parents. We were finally able to do that a few weeks ago. For those of you who knew our secret and kept it quiet - Thank You! I couldn't hide my "barf bowl" for very long.
I also have kept this a secret because I didn't want our decision to have another to be the topic of discussion until it was "too late". I got several nasty and negative comments when we got preg with our last amazing little one. I can only imagine what those same people will say when they hear about this one.
In the comment section no one has my permission to say any of the following:
- "Are you sure that was a wise decision?"
- "Don't you know what causes that?"
- "(special needs son) needs so much attention, how on earth can you take care of another?"
- "Can you afford another?"
- "How can you "be there" for so many children when they need you?"
- fill in the blank with anything negative....
My husband and I are VERY excited for this one (our 5th). Don't spoil our excitement with your negativity if you plan to "hit and run". I'm sorry if I sound very defensive but this is a VERY sensitive subject for me. I don't think any of the negative people even visit my blog... just in case they do happen across it I don't want to hear it. I got beat down hard by people I thought would be excited or at least neutral with my last one.
Enough of that.... On with life!
CONGRATS!! Another little (your last name here). I am so excited for you guys! I can remember back when you had none... you've come a long way, baby!
Wait - when are you due? You didn't say...
Congratulations!!!! I hope you get feeling better soon. Baby sickness (not restricted to morning, as we found out) is no fun.
Gerb -
It's wierd to think of life without kids at this point. This little one is due to premiere early June but... with my birthing rate... probably sometime in May.
Thunder Chicken -
Hubby went out and bought me the "big guns" (Zofran) about a week ago. I can finally eat and drink without having to revisit every bite. Apparently it does not work 100% though. :-( My little one likes to remind me he/she is still in charge.
Such a lucky baby to come to a wonderful, warm, loving family! If the world needs anything, it needs another sweet, fun-filled, delightful little (insert your last name here)! Hearty congratulations!!!
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