Friday, January 16, 2009

Just another January...

Every year my sweet hubby works for X-Dance:
He sets up the equipment (along with 1 other guy. This process is a BIG job.), runs the projector and has to sit through all those sports films. For most men this would be a dream job.... Being that neither my hubby or I are really into sports it's kinda a form of extended boredom/torture. LOL! Last year he started telling me about a film here or there. He's learning to appreciate them more I guess.

Although I basically lose my husband for a week (SUPER long work days/nights) I must say my favorite part is the swag bag at the end. He has been able to bring home enough fun little gadgets (headphones, backpacks, sunglasses, t-shirts etc..) to keep me happy.

It's kinda funny... my life is so boring that I find myself writing about my husband's life. Only thing going on with me is I worry about being home alone with 4 kids for a 4 day weekend. I wish we had some extra $... (well... any $ for that matter) so I could do some stuff with the kids. I rented some new movies for them to watch. I think I may get out one of our tents and put it up in the play room. They like to pretend they're camping out.

I'm still VERY nautious and just got a refill of my favorite anti-puke med to keep me happy. I am GRATEFUL to say that so far, this pregnancy is still plodding along quietly and boring. I LOVE that. I will take boring any day. Oh, and yes, I do feel the little peanut moving around.

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