Monday, March 2, 2009


My mom just called to tell me that my dad's in the hospital today. He will be there for several days. He came down with a fever and was just not moving or eating much. He's on monitors, oxygen and antibiotics.

My mom took him to the ER this afternoon at the urging of his oncologist. She sat there with him until 9pm when he begged her to go home and get some food and rest. He didn't have a room yet but he's being taken care of in one of the ER cubicles.

She said that he's pink now and very chatty (opposite of how he was when she took him).

I think this is his pneumonia coming back with a vengence. I didn't think the antibiotics he was on when he was here were working well enough. He was on the last few days of a 10 day course and he looked and acted like someone who needed to be on some major oxygen. (Dragon Girl has had pneumonia enough times that I know more than a thing or two about that evil desiese).

We all doubt they will be doing the biopsy tomorrow since he has a fever right now. We shall see...

1 comment:

annette said...

My thoughts and prayers shall be with him- and you.