Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 21st update

Yesterday the twins (dragon girl and jabber box) turned 9. I will post picts of the awesome cakes we made (hubby helped me with some of the details) later. I can't believe how fast time has flown.

Vehicles - We got the van fixed and put back into much needed use at the exact same time our truck died. Hubby has a theory that we are allowed to have only one working vehicle at a time. The truck had a very expensive problem - fuel pump went bad. Got that fixed so we now have two working vehicles. YAY!! Nothing in the bank account but we can at least drive to go visit our empty account. ha ha

Dad - Tuesday my parents and brother went to the oncologist. Dad had a 102.5 degree fever and had a very difficult time getting from the car to the doc's office. Thank goodness my bro went to offer a strong arm. Dad was leaning so hard on his walker that it wasn't moving very fast. The bad news.... Dad will NOT be getting chemotherapy. They were told that pancreatic cancer chemotherapy has a history of giving the patient an average of only 1 year of life and the person has to have been an active and fairly healthy person prior to being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Dad has 2 of the most evil cancers a person can get. Primary pancreatic cancer and secondary liver cancer. The docs have been very honest and have said over and over that dad is "a very sick man". Mom is trying to make things easier on him by providing as much fresh fruit and veggies he can eat. They are much easier on his digestion. She fixes him an egg or two or beans for iron since he's pretty anemic. It seems that we are basically waiting for the cancer to win. I enjoy being able to talk with him as much as I can right now. I feel that each conversation is a gift.

Baby - My contractions are down to a dull roar now. On their own. I have some meds that are supposed to calm them down if we have too many again. I haven't had to take any yet. I've been pretty much just laying down on the couch and being a slug. My FFN (fetal fibronectin) test results were negative!!! YAY!!! That just means that from the day the test was done the chances are high that I will NOT go into labor during the following 2 weeks. I have 1 more week of this "peace of mind".

So... there's the latest. I hope our lives continue to get calmer and calmer. I am looking forward to sharing picts of the awesome b-day cakes that we all enjoyed for the twin's birthday. We will be munching on them for several days. Next week is my hubby's 40th b-day. Wish we could do something awesome for that day. Seems that a quiet typical b-day party is what we will have to have.


Teachinfourth said...

Hope all continues to get 'more better' as time goes on.

The past few times I've seen "JB" at "AE" he felt it important to introduce himself, stressing his name several times.

It made me laugh.

annette said...

Happy Birthday!!! I look forward to seeing your creations!

Panama Jones said...

I'm glad things seem to be calming down. I still think it was wild that the truck broke down just as the van was fixed. I guess the truck could have gone at any time and you are just lucky/blessed that it didn't go while the van was out. That would have been the pits.

Farscaper said...

Teach -
Jabberbox is a funny kid. I think he assumes everyone forgets who he is. He's big on politeness and manners.

Annette -
I'll get the picts on here soon. Hubby just took off (whew) for his business trip. Might be Monday before I get some quiet time to get the picts posted though.

PJ -
That is how our lives have gone for as long as I can remember. I like to think of it as we were blessed that the truck did not break down before it was ok for it to break down.