Monday, July 27, 2009

Dad update 7-27-09

My mom called everyone yesterday to give us an update on dad. Looks like he could go any day now. Friday was the last day he drank anything. My mom has been trying every day, several times a day to get him to drink anything - even just water. He spends his days now with his eyes closed most of the time.

When we left to return home on the 21st he was already looking like he was ready to go. He slept a LOT and is getting quite stiff. It's hard to turn his head to look at anything. He seems to have turned his head to face the window and likes it that way.

My husband and I are putting together a video about dad. It will play during the viewing in an area that people can mingle and see it. Mom is sending up several items for me to scan to add to the video. My dad has lived an amazing life. He's been to a lot of places and "worn several hats" in his lifetime.
Dad has beem:
-in the army
-in the air force
-served in Japan and France
-a farmer/rancher
-a truck driver for Swift
-a high school teacher
-a mechanic for Arizona state motorpool
-a rodeo bullrider
-a little league baseball coach
-a temple worker
-he built a water truck (used for construction)
-he could fix anything - it won't be pretty but it will work

There's more but those are the highlights. My dad has taught me a LOT. Main thing I've learned from him is how to fix just about anything. Nothing is impossible to figure out even if right now I don't know how to fix it.... I can learn.

My dad has not been a saint all his life.... He did have a fierce temper sometimes (where I got my fisety streak from). Thankfully he mellowed out over the years. Old age does have its good points. Dad was born a member of the LDS church then just quit going for a time. It was when he was still in the military that he thought "there must be something better than this". He pulled out his military issue Book of Mormon and started reading. It didn't take long before he became active again. I'm grateful he did.

I'm sure I will learn a lot more about dad in the next few weeks. I'll post anything interesting when I can. Posting here is very helpful. I can get stuff out of my system without having to worry about my voice cracking or tears starting to flow. I know dad passing will be mercy for him... it's just hard to lose a loved one no matter how sick they are at the moment.


Teachinfourth said...

Wow, a lot of what you said about your dad's condition was what my mom was doing...

I feel for you.

It's great to know that you were able to learn so much from him during the 'well time' he had.

Writing IS a powerful way to release things and to feel better about it.

Wishing the best for you.

Farscaper said...

Thanks for your kind words.