Monday, November 9, 2009

Awesome News

I just met this morning with the special needs coordinator at my kid's school. Recently Dragon Girl was retested to see where she is in her abilities. WHAT A SHOCKER!!! Yes, there are some areas where she is a tiny bit behind. They score by age level. She was tested at 9 years 7 months old. A small handful of the items they tested she was a tad behind by as much as 6 months delayed. No biggie. MOST of the items tested she scored a full year ahead (as a 10 1/2 year old). There were several in the 11 1/2 year old range and one way out at a SENIOR in HIGH SCHOOL!!! Just shy of a 17 year old!!!

When she was in 1st grade her teacher kept PUSHING me to put her on meds to MAKE her pay attention better. Basically the teacher didn't want to deal with anyone slightly "difficult". I am SOOOO glad we just let Dragon Girl have TIME. When she got her special learning time I was told she didn't fit in there either. Most of those kids were really behind. Her only area she needed help in was fluency (the speed at which she does things - read, write etc...). She was VERY slow. Dragon Girl has sped up a LOT since she first started school.

I also believe that her not having to be hospitalized with pneumonia in over 2 years has helped a TON. Her ped. always told me that each time she was hospitalized she would fall behind in her brain development a bit. Most likely from the oxygen deprivation. She's been fighting to get caught up from several bouts of pneumonia as well as being born so premature.

I'm just soooo EXCITED about this news! Who knows.... maybe in the near future she'll get pulled out not because she needs help but because she's getting bored and needs a challenge..... It could happen.

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