(This picture is a pretty good example of our personalities. Hubby running the camera and me goofing off.)
I'm not a poetry writer so I searched around and found something that comes close to what I want to say...
For better or worse, through thick and thin,
you've been there by my side
sharing the laughter and the tears
through life's uncertain ride.
We don't know what the future has
in store for you and me
but this I know, without a doubt,
the best is yet to be.
When this all began . . .
(warning video is a bit racy)
What an interesting "Beauty and the Beast" story. I like the ending. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite fairytale- and I knew them all, several versions too. Very romantic.
(I'm assuming when you both heard this on the radio, it wasn't 7 1/2min long.)
We were working on our second film shoot together. My first time building props, costumes etc. We were at his apt. and this video (the whole thing) came on MTV frequently. We were kinda like deer in headlights - had to drop everything and go watch.
I love the richness of the set, costumes - everything. I swear... If I had my way... I would live in a tudor, gothic, castle / manor type building. (kinda need some $ for that sort of thing.)
I'd even accept the manor in the PBS show "Monarch of the Glen".
Husband bought me a couple of Meat Loaf's CD's for my 22nd b-day. I learned to love a new type of music. His stuff is kinda like a comedy / opera. Long songs but huge stories.
Happy Anniversary Sweetie! I'm glad we finally got a date, and got to toast to it. They 13+ years of being together are so much better than they would have been had we been apart. I can't think of anyone I would rather annoy.
Thank you for the racy video. It's funny that I don't even remember it being racy... must be 'cause you've always covered my eyes when it gets to that part. I can think of nothing better than going through life with you as my blinders (unless of course I'm driving)
I'm grateful that when the officer pulled you out of the car, you said you really did want to be there.
your inadvertently sane husband
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