When the quiet hour was over the twins wanted to do something but had to stay quiet so the other 2 could sleep. So.. I sent them outside to play. They were looking for bugs, snails, ladybugs etc... and playing with the few items in the yard they could find to entertain themselves. At one point I checked up on them and they were playing with an ant pile. I had a bad encounter with a pile of ants as a child and I didn't want them to repeat my experience so I decided they needed to be distracted with something else. I told them that they could yank out anything they wanted in the backyard. There were lots of long grasses at the fenceline.. I was hoping they would take them out for me. ;-p
My son turned to me with his eyes wide with excitement and asked if he could take out the trees. (We have 3 dead trees in the yard that do need to be removed).... so I said "sure". Both kids started bouncing up and down screaming "we get to take out the trees!!!". In a VERY short amount of time I heard new yelling... "We did it!!! We took out the tree!!!". I went out to find that, sure enough, they had removed one of the tres, roots and all. They just kept pushing and pulling until it came loose.
Onward and forward to tree #2. Yanked that one in no time. This one broke off at the ground. I'm thrilled because I was dreading having to do this task. Tree #3 was going to be a bit more difficult. It was larger and actually had grow a bit since it was planted. The twins and I took it down with a bit of coaxing. WOW... 3 dead trees down in less than 1/2 hour!
By this time the younger kids were awake and we all went outside to trim bushes, pull weeds and crabgrass.
We have 2 bushes out front that my daughter asked what they were. I said I had no clue. She decided that they needed names. We decided on Bob and Larry. The short round one looked like Bob and the taller one looked like Larry:
So now we're naming our plants. What fun.
Next, I was doing some serious trimming of everything and creating quite a pile of yard waste. We had filled the yard waste recycle can and now needed everything to be put in a pile in the backyard until we could fit it in the can. As the kids picked up each armload they pretended it was money. They started sounding like Mr. Crabs from Spongebob. 3 kids yelling "money" and grabbing an armload of weeds and plant clippings until the job was done. NEVER one complaint about having to work. This was not work to them.. this was FUN. They would have continued on if I had more steam.
I loved their perspectives. They realized that we were making the yard pretty for everyone (not just mom and dad). They got excited to see the huge pile we had all made together. I have been blessed with these amazing kids.
I'd take the money over the weeds any day though.
LOL!!! Me Too!
I'm still trying to get my children to feel that sense of accomplishment from doing a job well and seeing the results. Sigh. Maybe you can send your kids over to teach my kids.
I don't think our kids have figured it out that what they were doing is classified as "work".
Shhhhh! Don't tell them.
Wow! I'm impressed. When a job is fun, it's not work. PJ used to chase the kids around the apt. with a vacuume when I was in school and get the whole apt. clean. Often I'll listen to music while working and the time flys by and jobs get done. It's all good.
BTW, I name my plants too :)
BTW, I love the look of your blog site- nice job!
ps- wrong acct. on last comment- but you know it's me.
Hey Annette - Thanks for the comp. about the site. It's always in flux. I will tweak again. I get restless easily.
I love the image of chasing kids with a vacuum. I do that sometimes. Kids love to take that time to scream in competition with the noise of the vacuum.
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