Saturday, July 19, 2008

Changing things around

I just wanted to let you know that you're not going crazy. I have been fidgeting with the layout and some colors of this page. I get restless and have to tweak. I have always hated how much wasted space there was on the edges of the blog. I'm just glad that blogger/google lets us tweak to our hearts content.

My plan was to make this page viewable by the lowest resolution display that visits here. That was 1024 x 768. If you have this resolution and have a hard time seeing everything (you have to scroll left to right) please let me know. Thanks!!


annette said...

Looks grreaat! Maybe you could help me tweak mine sometime. I changed the color on it once!

Farscaper said...

Just find some "excuse" to have me over and I'll get hubby to watch the kids. We can play around on the computer.