Monday, August 18, 2008

We survived!!!

Well, the first day of school has now passed. I remember being sooo anxious and scared about this day when I was a kid. My kids, thankfully, seem to have not inherited this overwhelming fear. They jump in with both feet excited to see where life takes them.

They went on about their teachers (they went to music class today), the different kids in their class as well as on the playground. They had not a negative thing to say. Their eyes sparkled as they talked about the day's events.

Only one thing became a speed bump in their day.... everyone "lost" their brand new lunch boxes. One found hers in the lost and found box. The other two found theirs in their class rooms. After several laps around the school we were finally ready to head for home.

Every day will get smoother and faster. I hate these first few days where we're getting our groove on. I wish things just worked perfect from day one. (I know that's unrealistic). When trying to figure out where to drop off and pick up my kids I keep winter in mind. When there are 3' - 4' mounds of snow piled up, am I in the best place to wait? As everyone else settles into their groove... it will be easier for me to get us into ours.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch... Our youngest has never been "alone" all day. Last year, her brother was only going to school for 1/2 day. She really didn't notice him missing because his school time hit about the time she wanted to take a nap. This year.. boy! All day she asked for each of her siblings. She just doesn't understand where everyone went and why she can't go there too. I've never had just one kid at home either. It's a different experience.


Teachinfourth said...

Glad you made it through day 1; there are only 179 left to go!

annette said...

Once Mr. Tickle starts K, I too will have only 1 at home. It will be strange, and a first for me as well. When Dinohunter was home alone (until 2 yr.) he had no siblings to miss, so I don't really count that. But yes, you have NEVER had ONE. That is something.

Farscaper said...

Yeah... yeah.... Don't remind me.

No... WAIT!!! School is a good thing! (Old habits are hard to break)

I thought twins were piece of cake for this one reason alone. I didn't have to be sooo hands on because they had each other. Now I am THE entertainment and I'm at a loss of what to do. (I take a lot of naps with little K sitting on my tummy - kid programming gets very boring after watching it for 8 years).

annette said...

I've got an idea- we can plan "play dates". I hear it's the latest thing w/parents of just 1 or 2.