First let me introduce you to Jabber Box and Dragon Girl.

Jabber Box LOVES to talk. He is a very happy kid and loves to lead. He is a HUGE help around the house and is eager to live life.
Dragon Girl loves Dragons and dinosaurs. She is VERY creative and is always making her own craft projects. For several years she has wanted to be a Paleontologist when she grows up. I'm interested to see what she ends up being.
(FYI: Dragon Girl is older by 4 minutes)
Next... I'd like to introduce Power Ranger.

Power Ranger loves... well.. you guessed.. The Power Rangers. He can be bigger than life. He has a scream that can be heard on the moon. He also has a certain amount of screams that must be emitted every day. He never misses getting them all out. LOL. Some of those screams are pure joy... others are expressing his disagreement with how things are playing out in front of him. Power Ranger keeps life very interesting. When he's happy his eyes dance and my heart overflows with love.
Finally... I'd like to introduce you to Tinker Bell.

Tinker Bell LOVES pretty dancing dresses. Especially ones that look like Tinker Bell's dress. She is my girlie girl. Loves her baby dolls and dancing around the house. Her speech blows me out of the water. I never knew a 2 year old could talk like her.
Well... There are my little cuties. They entertain me and keep me on my toes. I LOVE who they are and am eager to see who they will become.
The twins have overcome HUGE obsticles... born 11 weeks early, all the "joys" the NICU can provide, various bouts with infections - Dragon Girl has had lots of pneumonia and Jabber Box has had countless ear infections / surgeries (tubes, adenoids, tonsils etc..).
Power Ranger was born with a condition called: microcephaly lymphoedema chorioretinal dysplasia. Google it if you want to know more. He's the first one diagnosed with this at the local children's hospital. It's a pretty rare disorder and no one really knows that much about it. We're kinda like gunnea pigs in the genetics department. He's already exceeded the levels that genetics thought he could achieve. He's in the special needs program at school. He has really come a LONG way during the past school year. I'm soo excited to see how far he gets this year. Last year he finished the school year being able to read his name, cow, dog and cat. He can sorta write his name. It looks like a bunch of circles but we know what he's trying to write.
Tinker Bell is our first full term babe. Only 3 weeks early. Her ability to form complete sentences at her young age keeps me amazed. I've never had a child her age be so easy to understand what she wants or doesn't want. She is a total gift.
What cute kids! The mailman must be so proud!
I like the nicknames. That pic. of power ranger is fabulous! You have a wonderful, sweet bunch of kids- I so enjoy them!
You are such a turd! Oh wait.. I meant Nerd.. yeah.. Nerd.
Those nicknames just poped into my head without having to think about them. They fit my kids soo well. I wanted Power Ranger's picture to show his personality. I'm amazed that you can let PR loose in your house and you get him to behave himself.
Your kids are pretty awesome too. It's fun driving Red Pepper home. She is a lot of fun. It's also fun for me to see what it's like to have a kid older than 8 around. Even if it's only during a quick drive home.
(another novel by me ;-)
They have grown up so much since the last time we saw them.
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