Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have to share a conversation between Jabber Box and my husband tonight (Sunday).

(When putting the kids to bed, often times my husband will climb into bed with one or each of the kids in turn and snuggle with them for a little while. My husband started doing this to get Power Ranger to quiet down when he's too riled to fall asleep. Once, some time ago, Jabber Box asked to be snuggled too and so the tradition began.)

JB: Daddy, will you come snuggle with me tonight in my bed?

Daddy: Yes, JB, I'll come snuggle with you.

JB: You have to snuggle with me every night. Every night until I die, OK?

JB: Well... every night until you die, OK?



Gerb said...

Kids have it all figured out, don't they? ;0)

annette said...

Enjoy while you can. I suspect by the time he's 12, he will have changed his mind.

Panama Jones said...

Yeah, I'm not sure the 15-year-old still wants to be snuggled, but at least he still lets me kiss him and kisses me. And he's not embarassesd when I drop him off at school. So life is still good.