Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Penguin

Jabber Box - Age 10
Power Ranger - Age 7
Tinker Bell - Age 4

Location: Children downstairs in family room. Mother in the kitchen. Father in his office. Both parents are upstairs.

Time: Evening - preparations for dinner have commenced.

Tinker Bell: *** Wahhhh!*** (crying loudly with the intention of being heard by all)

Jabber Box:
(Yelling from the family room to gain the attention of either parent)

"Power Ranger just hit Tinker Bell in the eye with a Penguin!!!"

. . . . (House goes completely quiet for 3 seconds) . . .

Jabber Box: (Yelling up a clarification to his recent statement)

"A TOY Penguin, not a real one!"

WHEW!! What a relief!!
I thought we had a band of marauding real penguins aiding in the abuse of our 4 year old at the hand of our 7 year old. Whew! Glad to know it was only the devious handy work of a passive penguin.

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