Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I'm beginning to think I'm never going to get on a regular schedule. A couple of days ago I announced that I was tired and going to bed - It was 9:30pm. By 10:01pm I was in bed nursing Peanut for the last time. My head hit the pillow by 10:28pm and I was out cold.....

11:45pm Peanut woke up dying for some more food. She pretty much fell asleep during the 10pm feeding and didn't get much. I felt guilty so I woke up and fed her again. She got her second wind and kept me up until 1:30am.

Lights out....

3:30am she's up again. This time I didn't feel sorry for her so I just held her and burped her (she can hold in those burps for a long time). One very large baby burp later... she starts "talking" and laughing and kicking like she's saying "Let's go mom! I'm done sleeping".

It was a LOOONNNNGGGG night for me and I felt more sleep deprived then when I stay up until 3,4 or 5am then get one small chunk of sleep that is at least 3 hours long.

Then last night....

I fell asleep with her at 8:30pm (I have been avoiding naps so I can get on a more normal schedule) and woke up around midnight. I was UP and ready to go. Didn't get to sleep again until 5:30am.

BTW... Thanks Annette for the Harry Potter book. I read the first 6 chapters the first night. I'm up to the part where Harry just got back from being chased around Hogwarts in the middle of the night from the "wizard's challenge" from Malfoy (that didn't happen). Get book 2 ready. I'll be needing it soon.

When I started writing this Peanut was kicking around my lap and having a GREAT time. She's such a stinker! Now she's looking like she's finally ready to go to bed. It's now a little after 3am.

Wish me luck!

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