(FYI - I don't list hubby here because nothing's typical with him. Some nights he's in bed -or at least asleep on a chair shortly after putting the kids to bed... some nights he isn't home - at a client's office working.... other nights he's in his home office working on the computer all night. I just chose to leave him out since I never know where he's going to be)
Our kids are supposed to go to bed around 8pm.. HA! It's typically closer to 9pm.
(Please tell me I'm not the only one slacking in bedtime strictness)
(Almost) everyone FINALLY gets to sleep so I can have some "ME time". There is one "little" problem and she can be quite random.

Yes! When the older kids go to sleep Peanut decides it's "me time" for HER and she gains her second wind.
She will try to trick me by pretending to sleep for an hour. Then she wakes up and is ready to go agin for several hours.
At some point... between 3am and 4:30am she finally runs out of steam.
I check on the rest of the kids...
Tinkerbell decides to sleep with Jabberbox for the night. (Weekends mean we get to play musical beds.... never know who will be in who's bed).

One of our kitties (Appa) keeps a nightly vigil with Power Ranger. He may appear asleep but he perks up at the slightest noise of someone entering the room. Good watch cat.

Dragon Girl has been sick all week. Fevers around 104. She's finally better and sleeping peacefully.

After a full tummy, a good several hours of "bat the toy" and checking in on everyone, Peanut falls asleep and I take her upstairs (I had to turn around on the stairs so we weren't backlit - I'm really heading UP the stairs).

I stop off to close windows around the house and pass by our "grandpa" kitty Narcissus. He's curled up on one of our sofas.

FINALLY I get to our bedroom. Lay Peanut in her bed and head for my current read...
(The book lives between the burprags and wipies)

EARLY the next morning I get to wake up to this beautiful face...

.... and do it all over again.
I LOVE being a MOM!!!!
That little Peanut is sure getting big!
Wow, you have quite the adventure going on on that end of town!
The Peanut really is growing fast, but they tend to do that, don't they? Our Kat was the worst for sleep rhythm. She would not settle down for sleep until around 1:00 in the morning. I'm glad those days are past. Now I just get to stay up until 1 am doing homework. Yay!....or something.
I think she has grown bigger faster than any of the other kids. At 4 1/2 months she wears 9 - 12 month clothes!
Adventures are good as long as they don't involve hospitals or bill collectors.
Thunder Chicken~
I love your screen name BTW. It fits you guys and your fun sense of humor.
Homework... yay! As long as it's not busy work and it gets you where you want to go in life.
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