I worked all night on Jabber Box's costume so he could wear it to school. He walked into the room where I was working and stated that he had just thrown up in the bathroom... then he proceeded to demonstrate the process while standing in the doorway. Oh Joy!!!
Dragon Girl has progressively gotten better. YAY!!!!
Now I'm off to get something sewn for her. There is NO way I can get done what hubby has designed for me to make for her. Perhaps if I had 2 or 3 weeks with nothing else to do I could make it. She's very patient with us.
I'll post picts of the kiddies all dressed up later. Everyone seems healthy enough to go out tonight. (Keeping fingers crossed).
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Just like clockwork
Here we are... almost Halloween and Dragon Girl has not let me down. Yup! She will once again miss out on Halloween due to illness. Last year she was sick and stayed home from almost everything. The year before last she was in the hospital. She got to trick-or-treat from a wheelchair in a special enviroment they made just for the pediatric wing.
Currently I'm on the fence about taking her to the doc about her lungs. Her oxygen sats are in the low 90's (90-93) NOT GOOD. From past experience I know that she can be home on anything in the 90's as long as she responds to her inhalers. So far so good but she can change in the blink of an eye. When she gets bad she goes fast.
I'll update if anything changes.
Currently I'm on the fence about taking her to the doc about her lungs. Her oxygen sats are in the low 90's (90-93) NOT GOOD. From past experience I know that she can be home on anything in the 90's as long as she responds to her inhalers. So far so good but she can change in the blink of an eye. When she gets bad she goes fast.
I'll update if anything changes.
dragon girl,
Monday, October 26, 2009
update 10/26
I recently joined the HUGE world of Facebook. I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Trying to find family and friends. I'm soooo confused over there.
I seriously feel like the last person on earth to join facebook. When I look at people's friend list and there's over 100 names on it I feel like such a dweeb. I've actually hit double digits - most of them my husband's family members.
If anyone reading this knows me in real life and has a facebook account please feel free to add me if you want.
I'm also working hard on a new line of shirts on my zazzle site. If everything works out well you should be able to access my website by going to:
We just bought the domain so it may take a day to populate.
I'll post a big "check it out" when I get the shirts done. Hubby is helping me out with them and we're cracking each other up. They are NOT up yet so it won't do you any good to go looking for them... they're all stored on my hard drive at the moment.
Once again it's in the middle of the morning before I'm heading off to bed. It's about 5:30am. If you read this and see me at school monday morning dropping off my kids see if I'm really awake. I'm debating not going to bed and taking a big nap after I get home. We'll see.....
I seriously feel like the last person on earth to join facebook. When I look at people's friend list and there's over 100 names on it I feel like such a dweeb. I've actually hit double digits - most of them my husband's family members.
If anyone reading this knows me in real life and has a facebook account please feel free to add me if you want.
I'm also working hard on a new line of shirts on my zazzle site. If everything works out well you should be able to access my website by going to:
We just bought the domain so it may take a day to populate.
I'll post a big "check it out" when I get the shirts done. Hubby is helping me out with them and we're cracking each other up. They are NOT up yet so it won't do you any good to go looking for them... they're all stored on my hard drive at the moment.
Once again it's in the middle of the morning before I'm heading off to bed. It's about 5:30am. If you read this and see me at school monday morning dropping off my kids see if I'm really awake. I'm debating not going to bed and taking a big nap after I get home. We'll see.....
lack of sleep,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Fun Videos
This post is just for fun. Some Halloween themes flowing through these videos. I hope you enjoy!
You will have to click on this one... I couldn't get the embed to work.
Ok... this is a bit of a stretch but there are monsters in the video...
That's it for now... I might go searching for more later...
You will have to click on this one... I couldn't get the embed to work.
Ok... this is a bit of a stretch but there are monsters in the video...
That's it for now... I might go searching for more later...
Friday, October 23, 2009
life's ups and downs
Yesterday my husband scared me more than I have been in a long time. He has something wrong with his health. Doc's still don't know what. Probably never will... but we'll keep pumping cash into their pockets so they can afford their cars/houses/vacations.
Anyway... He hit what I would consider rock bottom. When he's not doing well he can't work, can't watch or help with the kids, can't totally take care of himself... I seriously thought he would just cease to exhist out of simply giving up. I've heard stories about people "dying of a broken heart"... I wonder if someone can die from feeling soooo horrible they just don't want to go through another day like that again. Thank goodness we don't drink or do drugs or I know he would be dead from an overdose.
I said some very emotional prayers (out of a lack of knowing what else to do). Shortly after he was inspired to take some Essential Amino Acid pills and for whatever reason he mostly snapped out of his funk. The spark came back in his eyes and he looked human again.
I have never seen anyone struggle so hard for so long trying to figure out what's up without any success. You should see our kitchen cabinets. 2 shelves FULL of bottles of various "experiments" from the health food store. He has been trying to see if that item is what he is lacking etc... We also have 2 grocery bags FULL in our storage room of abandoned experiment herbs/pills etc...
He also has a stack at least an inch thick (poss more) of lab tests he's had over the years. He sits and compares results from years ago to now to see if anything is consistantly off.
Sorry about my bummer posts lately. I was just talking to hubby about my blog being such a downer lately. I don't get out much (take the kids to/from school, grocery store and church is all I get to do)... My days are very similar one day to the next. I promise I will try to be more upbeat and find more positives to talk about. This is my release of stress area. I have to be the backbone of the family so much and I need a place to vent or I think I will implode. I keep telling myself that life won't be like this forever. I just have to get through another day and tomorrow may be better..... if the past shows us the future, most likely it will be the same or worse.
It's alright.. as long as I keep having hope I can keep heading in a forward direction.
It also helps to have a good book to escape with... BTW.. Annette I'm to the part where Harry, Ron and Hermione are about to sneak past Hagrid's dog Fluffy and jump down into the dark unknown under the trap door. And... Thanks for thinking of us and acquiring the pullups at a discount. Much appreciated.
Anyway... He hit what I would consider rock bottom. When he's not doing well he can't work, can't watch or help with the kids, can't totally take care of himself... I seriously thought he would just cease to exhist out of simply giving up. I've heard stories about people "dying of a broken heart"... I wonder if someone can die from feeling soooo horrible they just don't want to go through another day like that again. Thank goodness we don't drink or do drugs or I know he would be dead from an overdose.
I said some very emotional prayers (out of a lack of knowing what else to do). Shortly after he was inspired to take some Essential Amino Acid pills and for whatever reason he mostly snapped out of his funk. The spark came back in his eyes and he looked human again.
I have never seen anyone struggle so hard for so long trying to figure out what's up without any success. You should see our kitchen cabinets. 2 shelves FULL of bottles of various "experiments" from the health food store. He has been trying to see if that item is what he is lacking etc... We also have 2 grocery bags FULL in our storage room of abandoned experiment herbs/pills etc...
He also has a stack at least an inch thick (poss more) of lab tests he's had over the years. He sits and compares results from years ago to now to see if anything is consistantly off.
Sorry about my bummer posts lately. I was just talking to hubby about my blog being such a downer lately. I don't get out much (take the kids to/from school, grocery store and church is all I get to do)... My days are very similar one day to the next. I promise I will try to be more upbeat and find more positives to talk about. This is my release of stress area. I have to be the backbone of the family so much and I need a place to vent or I think I will implode. I keep telling myself that life won't be like this forever. I just have to get through another day and tomorrow may be better..... if the past shows us the future, most likely it will be the same or worse.
It's alright.. as long as I keep having hope I can keep heading in a forward direction.
It also helps to have a good book to escape with... BTW.. Annette I'm to the part where Harry, Ron and Hermione are about to sneak past Hagrid's dog Fluffy and jump down into the dark unknown under the trap door. And... Thanks for thinking of us and acquiring the pullups at a discount. Much appreciated.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'm beginning to think I'm never going to get on a regular schedule. A couple of days ago I announced that I was tired and going to bed - It was 9:30pm. By 10:01pm I was in bed nursing Peanut for the last time. My head hit the pillow by 10:28pm and I was out cold.....
11:45pm Peanut woke up dying for some more food. She pretty much fell asleep during the 10pm feeding and didn't get much. I felt guilty so I woke up and fed her again. She got her second wind and kept me up until 1:30am.
Lights out....
3:30am she's up again. This time I didn't feel sorry for her so I just held her and burped her (she can hold in those burps for a long time). One very large baby burp later... she starts "talking" and laughing and kicking like she's saying "Let's go mom! I'm done sleeping".
It was a LOOONNNNGGGG night for me and I felt more sleep deprived then when I stay up until 3,4 or 5am then get one small chunk of sleep that is at least 3 hours long.
Then last night....
I fell asleep with her at 8:30pm (I have been avoiding naps so I can get on a more normal schedule) and woke up around midnight. I was UP and ready to go. Didn't get to sleep again until 5:30am.
BTW... Thanks Annette for the Harry Potter book. I read the first 6 chapters the first night. I'm up to the part where Harry just got back from being chased around Hogwarts in the middle of the night from the "wizard's challenge" from Malfoy (that didn't happen). Get book 2 ready. I'll be needing it soon.
When I started writing this Peanut was kicking around my lap and having a GREAT time. She's such a stinker! Now she's looking like she's finally ready to go to bed. It's now a little after 3am.
Wish me luck!
11:45pm Peanut woke up dying for some more food. She pretty much fell asleep during the 10pm feeding and didn't get much. I felt guilty so I woke up and fed her again. She got her second wind and kept me up until 1:30am.
Lights out....
3:30am she's up again. This time I didn't feel sorry for her so I just held her and burped her (she can hold in those burps for a long time). One very large baby burp later... she starts "talking" and laughing and kicking like she's saying "Let's go mom! I'm done sleeping".
It was a LOOONNNNGGGG night for me and I felt more sleep deprived then when I stay up until 3,4 or 5am then get one small chunk of sleep that is at least 3 hours long.
Then last night....
I fell asleep with her at 8:30pm (I have been avoiding naps so I can get on a more normal schedule) and woke up around midnight. I was UP and ready to go. Didn't get to sleep again until 5:30am.
BTW... Thanks Annette for the Harry Potter book. I read the first 6 chapters the first night. I'm up to the part where Harry just got back from being chased around Hogwarts in the middle of the night from the "wizard's challenge" from Malfoy (that didn't happen). Get book 2 ready. I'll be needing it soon.
When I started writing this Peanut was kicking around my lap and having a GREAT time. She's such a stinker! Now she's looking like she's finally ready to go to bed. It's now a little after 3am.
Wish me luck!
sleep deprived
Monday, October 12, 2009
Typical night for me
Ever wonder what other people do every day? Wish you could be a fly on the wall? Well now's your chance! This is a typical night at our house.....
(FYI - I don't list hubby here because nothing's typical with him. Some nights he's in bed -or at least asleep on a chair shortly after putting the kids to bed... some nights he isn't home - at a client's office working.... other nights he's in his home office working on the computer all night. I just chose to leave him out since I never know where he's going to be)
Our kids are supposed to go to bed around 8pm.. HA! It's typically closer to 9pm.
(Please tell me I'm not the only one slacking in bedtime strictness)
(Almost) everyone FINALLY gets to sleep so I can have some "ME time". There is one "little" problem and she can be quite random.

Yes! When the older kids go to sleep Peanut decides it's "me time" for HER and she gains her second wind.
She will try to trick me by pretending to sleep for an hour. Then she wakes up and is ready to go agin for several hours.
At some point... between 3am and 4:30am she finally runs out of steam.
I check on the rest of the kids...
Tinkerbell decides to sleep with Jabberbox for the night. (Weekends mean we get to play musical beds.... never know who will be in who's bed).

One of our kitties (Appa) keeps a nightly vigil with Power Ranger. He may appear asleep but he perks up at the slightest noise of someone entering the room. Good watch cat.

Dragon Girl has been sick all week. Fevers around 104. She's finally better and sleeping peacefully.

After a full tummy, a good several hours of "bat the toy" and checking in on everyone, Peanut falls asleep and I take her upstairs (I had to turn around on the stairs so we weren't backlit - I'm really heading UP the stairs).

I stop off to close windows around the house and pass by our "grandpa" kitty Narcissus. He's curled up on one of our sofas.

FINALLY I get to our bedroom. Lay Peanut in her bed and head for my current read...
(The book lives between the burprags and wipies)

EARLY the next morning I get to wake up to this beautiful face...

.... and do it all over again.
I LOVE being a MOM!!!!
(FYI - I don't list hubby here because nothing's typical with him. Some nights he's in bed -or at least asleep on a chair shortly after putting the kids to bed... some nights he isn't home - at a client's office working.... other nights he's in his home office working on the computer all night. I just chose to leave him out since I never know where he's going to be)
Our kids are supposed to go to bed around 8pm.. HA! It's typically closer to 9pm.
(Please tell me I'm not the only one slacking in bedtime strictness)
(Almost) everyone FINALLY gets to sleep so I can have some "ME time". There is one "little" problem and she can be quite random.

Yes! When the older kids go to sleep Peanut decides it's "me time" for HER and she gains her second wind.
She will try to trick me by pretending to sleep for an hour. Then she wakes up and is ready to go agin for several hours.
At some point... between 3am and 4:30am she finally runs out of steam.
I check on the rest of the kids...
Tinkerbell decides to sleep with Jabberbox for the night. (Weekends mean we get to play musical beds.... never know who will be in who's bed).

One of our kitties (Appa) keeps a nightly vigil with Power Ranger. He may appear asleep but he perks up at the slightest noise of someone entering the room. Good watch cat.

Dragon Girl has been sick all week. Fevers around 104. She's finally better and sleeping peacefully.

After a full tummy, a good several hours of "bat the toy" and checking in on everyone, Peanut falls asleep and I take her upstairs (I had to turn around on the stairs so we weren't backlit - I'm really heading UP the stairs).

I stop off to close windows around the house and pass by our "grandpa" kitty Narcissus. He's curled up on one of our sofas.

FINALLY I get to our bedroom. Lay Peanut in her bed and head for my current read...
(The book lives between the burprags and wipies)

EARLY the next morning I get to wake up to this beautiful face...

.... and do it all over again.
I LOVE being a MOM!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Blue Ribbon
Neat video to watch. I know it's all staged but the concept is still neat.
blue ribbon,
kind words,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Grocery Fairy
thank you,
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