Tuesday, May 27, 2008


(This picture is a pretty good example of our personalities. Hubby running the camera and me goofing off.)

I want to wish a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my Main Squeeze!

I'm not a poetry writer so I searched around and found something that comes close to what I want to say...


For better or worse, through thick and thin,

you've been there by my side

sharing the laughter and the tears

through life's uncertain ride.

We don't know what the future has

in store for you and me

but this I know, without a doubt,

the best is yet to be.

When this all began . . .
(warning video is a bit racy)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Is there a Doctor in the House?

Here it is.. Friday night... and I'm seriously missing my Friday night visit with The Doctor.

This is my night to go on a fantastic journey to imaginative places that enable escape from reality. I get to dream of elaborate costumes, sets and interesting characters.

Alas, it's Memorial weekend... and the Doctor is not in.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Music memories

Ok.. I've seen several people posting music on their blogs lately. I had a huge flashback to a group that always made me laugh.. no matter what mood I was in at the time. Here they are for your listening pleasure. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. (Don't blame me for their nerdiness... they were just born that way)

"Nellie the Elephant"

Another one of my favorites.
"I've Got Asthma"

They also have the fastest versions of "Wipeout" and "Blue Suede Shoes" I've ever heard.

They're silly and that's why I like 'em.

Friday, May 16, 2008

My PB & J on Hot Dog Bun Sandwich

What you see before you is my lunch... A Peanut Butter and Jelly on a hot dog bun sandwich. Why Hot Dog buns you ask? Because the Hamburger buns smelled funny.

I've had to resort to hot dog and hamburger buns because we're out of bread. Why are we out of bread? Because we're out of money. Kinda works like that sometimes.

Here's my question for today... why is the world made up where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Take late fees for one. If I don't have any $ and I can't pay a bill when the payee wants the money - what do they do? They tack on a "late fee". What they should call it is an "I'm sorry I'm a looser" fee. Yes, let's ask those who can't pay the bill in the first place to pay us MORE money.

If I had money in the bank I could:
- Pay for our storage unit for an entire year and get 1 month FREE
- Pay for our car insurance for an entire year and get not only 1 month free but also not have to pay the installment fees (fees they charge for the inconvience of having to bill every month)
- Have better credit scores and be able to buy things with VERY LOW interest rates
- Buy a newer vehicle that doesn't require so much $ for maintance / repairs. Things just don't break down as quickly on cars less than 10 years old.
- Afford health insurance and end up paying less for medical intervention. (Insurance companies get a discount on every bill... why can't those paying cash get the same discount?)
- Buy extra grocery items because they're on sale now - saving money later when the prices are higher and we don't have to purchase them because we already have enough.
- Pay off our mortgage / credit cards etc.. and not have to pay anything towards interest.

There are TONS of ways for those with the money (who can afford to pay extra) can save even more money. For every way the rich can save money there are a dozen ways to "penalize" the poor for not having enough.

So... the RICH will continue to get RICHER.. while the POOR will continue to get POORER.

.... One other thing on my mind at the moment... if you happen to be one of those lucky people who have more than your needs require... and you know others who are not so blessed.... don't "look down" on them. Don't assume that just because someone is poor that they are unintelligent or incompetant. I tell ya, it takes a genious these days to be poor and survive. Our family survives (sort of) on less money then most families without children. I have figured out how to solve problems without "buying the solution" over and over again.

In literally 2 minutes we will have another "you're a looser" fee tacked onto our mortgage... here I sit and watch the seconds tick by.... saying tsk tsk and shaking their head in disgrace........ One minute to go.......

Friday, May 9, 2008

Job Opening . . .

Job Title: Keeper of the Alarm

Job Description: Person to be responsible for waking individuals when necessary.

- No formal education necessary

- Must possess a working alarm device capable of waking even the soundest sleeper.

- Must be flexable on the times the device will alarm

- Must be cheerful when waking those necessary (or at least not violent and angry)

- Must be able to wake only those necessary while leaving others in peaceful slumber

- Must make sure alarm device is far enough away as to not be able to silence device too many times allowing the Keeper of the Alarm to sleep past desired wake time

- Person must be willing to be yelled at, moaned at, have objects thrown at them without becoming angry

- Person must be willing to take blame for others being late for their morning appointments

- Person must be persistant when waking the individual at the scheduled wake time

- Even after the subject of the waking is "awake" the Keeper of the Alarm must return to ensure that the wakee is truely awake. This process will continue until subject is sufficently awake as to take charge of their own actions

- Days of work will be Monday - Friday during the school year with occasional Saturday and Sunday (this year). Next year as the church schedule changes waking of individuals within the house is manditory. Saturday wakings depend upon male head of household's work demands.

- It is HIGHLY recommended that Alarm Keeper provide warm, yummy wake up treats to subjects of waking. This action will elicit smiles and happy individuals

- No experience necessary but it is helpful

- Position is open for immediate filling

- Position length is until death

Pay: There is no compensation for this position

If you are interested in this position (I beg you) to please apply immediately to 555-6500.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kids are amazing

I am amazed at how flexable kids can be... well... my kids. Yesterday I freaked out on behalf of my kids. I thought..... I worried..... I freaked..... then I resolved that my decision was the best for everyone..... I just needed to know that they were cool with it.

Yesterday I had a meeting with my son's teacher. Turns out his special needs class will be changing schools next year. The school he will be attending meets at the exact same time as my twin's school just a few miles away. It didn't hit me until our progress meeting was nearly over that there would be a timing conflict. See.... I have a beef with busses. Well... not the busses themselves.

I have a beef with the drivers. Every year I hear on the news that some bus load of kids were taken for a "ride". Or... that some child was abused by the bus driver. Typically the kids "picked on" are the special needs kids. I refuse to put my son in that type of "danger" even if the odds are soooo slight.

The bus that my son would have been on if I chose to have him bussed to school has some issues. The driver likes to feed the kids cheetoes in the morning. You might ask "what's so wrong with cheetoes?" 1st and mainly: I did NOT give this woman permission to give my son anything to eat. 2nd: Cheetoes have monosodium glutimate in them - MAJOR stimulus that we NEVER feed our kids. 3rd: My son had a severe problem digesting dairy protein only a few years ago (his intestine would bleed). How is this woman supposed to know that what SHE chooses to feed the kids won't land the child in the hospital. The only reason I found this out is because I drive my son to school and talk with his teacher. The teacher and the aids have a real beef with this one driver as well as a couple of other drivers. Some of these kids are so fragile. The drivers (and their bus aids) only have the kids for a very short time - not enough to really get to know these kids (they often times have mod to severe speech problems).......

Ok... I need to stop there. I will never finish this post if I don't.

Anyway..... Since I won't let my son take the bus to school I have to drive him. I won't let my twins walk to / from school because there is a registererd child sex offender that lives on the path between our house and the school. (Have you figured out that I worry a lot). So here we are at the cross road where I need to drive both sets of kids to their individual schools at the exact same time. Last time I checked I don't have a Tardis so the conclusion I came up with is to move my twins to my son's new school. It is a regular elementary school with the spec. needs program added on.

Yesterday I mentioned this issue to the twins and I expected friction... What did I get instead? "Sure mom". We drove over to the school so they could see it and the playground. They got so excited. I'm thinking about all the reasons why I would freak out and all they see is a new school with a pretty playground.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

family - growing older

I love having such supportive families on both my side and my husband's side. This past weekend our twins were baptized. What an awesome event. I know it is a huge sacrifice for people to travel to where we are since we don't live near either of our parents.

I never thought I would be a mom. I always wanted to be one... just never was able to imagine it. After all our problems having kids in the beginning I was starting to think it would just be us in life. Now here we are with kids old enough to be baptized. Our son is a Cub Scout!!! I always thought it was the experienced moms... the ones with their "act together" who had kids this age. Here I am with kids this age and I still feel as inept as I did when I was first married. Do we ever feel like we know what we're doing? Do we spend the rest of our lives guessing?

In truth.... mentally I still feel as goofy as I did when I was in my early 20's. Smart enough to not make the super dumb mistakes that teenagers make but not smart enough to feel comfortable just surfing through life. I seem to like the stage I just came out of better than the one I'm hacking through at the time. I guess it's easier to feel things were easier when you're not aware of all the icky details.