Saturday, November 13, 2010


I know I've been off the board for quite a while. Sometimes I get so wrapped up into my Facebook account that I forget about this one. We've been swamped being a family lately. My husband and I burned the midnight oil many nights making the twins their Halloween costumes. Then again the next week when they had big school projects due. They both decided to do 3D sculptures and we had to help (make them strong enough to not collapse etc..).

I'm about to go make some more bread. More because I have to and less because I want to. When finances get tight I make everything from scratch. I LOVE eating REAL food - not some store bought reheat or fast food. Home made food just tastes better. BUT - I do get tired of cooking EVERYTHING all the time. I would love a break. We also have family food issues (things that can't be eaten etc..). I have to be picky about what we eat / where we eat (when we can go out).

Well.. I'm off to do life some more. The bread doesn't assemble itself.